Doragarment will let you know about different school uniforms in the world.
Uniforms are mandatory in both public and private schools in India.
The average boy's uniform consists of a plaid or light-colored shirt, with long trousers usually white, blue, or black.
Girls' uniforms consist mainly of shirts and skirts.
Some schools even require students to wear ties or shoes of the same size for all students.

The education model mainly draws on the French education system,
However, since most of their primary education institutions are largely privately owned and operated,
So their school uniform styles are also varied.
Generally speaking, school uniforms are brighter in color.
The standard accessories are probably shorts for boys and skirts for girls~

Junior high school boys wear gray uniforms with white shirts, and girls wear white shirts and skirts.
But in reality, each school has its own dress code.
As it turns out, the country has a wide variety of uniforms, depending on the region and school you're going to

In Malaysia, girls can choose between a white tunic and a skirt.
Boys usually wear white shirts and trousers.

Primary school boys' school uniforms in Thailand consist of khaki, black or navy short-sleeved shirts with black or brown shoes. Girls' school uniforms will have a bow tied at the front.
In addition, regardless of gender, their names are embroidered on the front of the shirt.

6. IndonesiaSchool uniforms in Indonesia are mostly very traditional and conservative.If you walk along the streets of Jakarta, you can see different types of school uniformsThat's because each grade has a different color.In primary school, students mostly wear red skirts and trousers, while in the first years of secondary school, school uniforms are mostly navy blue.

According to Vogue magazine, the Ukrainian school uniform is one of the most fashionable in the world. Thanks to white socks, jumpers, tops, and bows, Ukrainian girls can be proud of how stylish their uniforms are. Boys' uniforms are also neat: formal trousers, ties, white shirts, and nice jackets. This makes their school uniforms look more like a fashion show than just school uniforms~

8. Nepal School uniforms are mandatory in both public and private schools in Nepal. The color of the school uniform is mostly chosen by the school. Typically, both boys and girls wear shirts, small ties, and a sweater and/or jacket. For boys, the shirt can be a normal shirt, while girls usually wear skirts.

Except for the difference in size, the school uniforms of most schools in China are basically loose and fat sportswear.

if you have more information about Bulk school uniforms or need to custom-make school uniforms, send more details to [email protected].